Academic Warning

Students are placed on academic warning if their semester Grade Point Average (GPA) falls below 2.00 and/or the end-of-term records review by the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies raises concern about a student's overall academic progress. Students placed on warning are informed of their status in a notification sent to the student with their academic advisor copied. Students are encouraged to meet with their advisor to determine how best to improve their future academic performance. Possible action steps to take may include, but are not limited to, taking GNST 101 the following semester, adjusting future schedules to ensure a manageable workload, contacting the Student Success Center to schedule ongoing student success coaching meetings, identifying helpful resources, developing better time-management and study strategies, and/or speaking with individual instructors about ways to succeed.

At the end of each term, the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies reviews the records of students on academic warning. On the basis of this review, the committee may recommend:

An end to the warning period; Students will come off academic warning if their semester GPA raises to a 2.00 or above.

Continued warning; Students will be placed on continued warning if their semester GPA falls below 2.00 for another consecutive fall or spring semester.

Academic probation; Failure to improve semester GPA may result in the student being placed on continued warning or academic probation. See below section for additional information on probation.