Academic Probation

Students are placed on academic probation if their cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) falls below 2.00 and/or the end-of-term records review by the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies raises concerns about a student's overall academic progress. Students placed on academic probation are informed of their status in a notification sent to the student with their academic advisor copied. Students are encouraged to meet with their advisor to determine how best to improve their future academic performance. Students placed on academic probation are encouraged to participate in the Academic Success Program during the following academic term, which includes enrolling in GNST 101 (if they have not successfully passed the course) and meet regularly with a success coach. These coaching sessions are designed to help students improve their academic skills and academic standing. In addition, students should retake FYS 101 if they have not already successfully passed the course.

Students on academic probation are required to demonstrate significant academic improvement and to earn a semester Grade Point Average high enough to allow for a cumulative GPA of a 2.00 or above within two terms. Additionally, students on probation are limited to taking no more than 14 credits during a standard fall or spring semester. Twelve credits are required to be full-time; no more than 14 credits are permitted without the student petitioning for a credit increase to the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies.

At the end of each term, the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies reviews the records of students on academic probation, and their participation in the Academic Success Program is considered. On the basis of this review, the committee may recommend:

An end to the probationary period; Students will come off probation if their cumulative and semester GPA raise to a 2.00 or above.

Continued probation; Students will be placed on continued probation if their cumulative and/or semester GPA are still below 2.00 for another consecutive fall or spring semester.

Dismissal; Students will be dismissed from the College if they are on probation for at least two semesters, or if the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies determines that the student is not making satisfactory academic progress. See below section for additional information on dismissal.