Cancellation of Courses
A fall or spring semester course is subject to cancellation when fewer than eight students are enrolled. Winter and summer term classes are subject to cancellation when fewer than five students are enrolled.
The College reserves the right to cancel the course as late as the first day of classes each semester. Every effort will be made to work with students regarding program planning and placement in alternate courses that would be compatible with the cancelled course.
Course Schedules
A credit hour usually represents one hour of class work and at least two to three hours of preparation in a given subject per week throughout the semester.
Classes usually meet on a Monday-Wednesday-Friday, Monday-Friday afternoon or a Tuesday-Thursday schedule. Except for lab sessions, 3-credit Monday-Wednesday-Friday classes generally convene for 55 minutes and Tuesday-Thursday classes for 85 minutes. Four-credit classes meet for a total of 220 minutes per week. Most evening classes meet once a week for 2 hours and 45 minutes or twice a week for 85-minute periods.
Hood also has blocked courses, which are courses that meet for double periods during a portion of the semester. Blocked courses are primarily studio art and education courses in the teaching internship semester.
Course Repeat Policy
A student may repeat a course
one time
which they earned a grade of C- or below.
A student may repeat a course more than once for the following reasons:
Failure to pass MATH 098, MATH 099, ENGL 099, and/or GNST 101.
Failure to pass FYS 101 (course must be repeated during the following spring semester)
Failure to earn a minimum grade of C- in ENGL 100 to fulfill the core requirement for English Composition.
Enrollment in a course on a credit basis after previously auditing the course.
When the course is required for the major, as approved by department and advisor
Students may submit an appeal to the Academic Standards and Policies (AS&P) committee for an exception to this policy.
Some coursework, such as teaching assistantships, internships, and independent studies, may be completed multiple times and within the credit limits established in that course type policy. These incidents do not fall under the course repeat policy, and grades earned for all completed coursework will be calculated in the cumulative GPA.
All grades earned for a given course will remain on the academic record for historical purposes. Only the highest grade earned at Hood for repeated coursework will be computed in the cumulative and major GPAs, and credit will be awarded only once. Coursework that is repeated at another institution and transferred to Hood will earn a grade of TR, which will not replace the original grade or calculation for the course taken at Hood.
The grade of W or WX does not replace a previously awarded grade as it is not computed in the GPA. Students may not repeat a course at Hood for which transfer credit has been awarded, however they may choose to audit such a course. See Audit section for further information.
Course Load Full-time and Part-time Status
Full-time status requires 12 credit hours or more per semester. A typical semester program consists of 15 or 16 credits except in the first year when it may be 12-15 credits.
Part-time status is accorded students taking 11.5 credit hours or fewer per semester.
Students are normally limited to 12 credits completed during the summer. Exceptions to this credit limit require permission of the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies.
- Enrollment in more than 18.5 credits in one semester requires a 3.0 cumulative average and permission from the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies. Enrollment in credits beyond 18.5 requires additional tuition for each hour or fraction above that number.
- A student may not enroll in two courses which meet at the same hour.
Drop/Add Period
Students may drop or add courses without academic penalty from the time of registration through the end of the drop/add period. See the Academic Calendar for dates.
During this period, students may also change to or from the S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) grading option, change to or from enrollment on an audit basis, or alter the number of credits in courses carrying variable credit.
Course Withdrawal After Drop/Add
If a student withdraws from a course after the end of the drop/add period and before the end of the eleventh week of the semester a W (indicating withdrawal) will be noted on the transcript. This notation will not be computed in a student’s grade point average.
Hood College is obligated to record a Withdrawal when students attend courses beyond our stated drop/add deadline, no matter their reason for late dropping, to maintain accurate record keeping for federal aid regulations. We need to accurately maintain a record of attempted credits on the transcript for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) rules and, per those regulations, because we cannot exclude courses where students attended beyond the drop/add period, our SAP calculations and our quantitative standards need to include those attempted credits. While a student may have myriad reasons for needing to leave a course, the Withdrawal is not a value statement, is not punitive, and must remain on the transcript.
A student may not withdraw from a class during the last four weeks of classes.