Double-Numbered Courses and Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses

Certain courses have been designated as appropriate for both graduate students and undergraduates. These “double-numbered courses” are identified by numbers in both the 400 and 500 range. Undergraduate students enroll in the 400-level course and receive undergraduate credit. Graduate students enroll in the 500-level course and receive graduate credit. Syllabi for such courses will clearly outline different expectations for graduate and undergraduate students. Students who took a double-numbered class at the 400 level as an undergraduate student may not take the same class at the 500 level as a graduate student for credit.

Undergraduate students must meet different performance standards from the graduate students. These differences may relate to the quality and/or quantity of work required and may also involve measures of grading.

To be eligible to take a 400/500-level course, undergraduate students must have a cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0 or better and have earned at least 56 credits, including 12 credits or more at the 200 level or above in the course discipline.

To be eligible to take a 500-level graduate course and receive undergraduate credit, Hood undergraduate students must have earned senior status (87 credits) including 12 credits or more at the 200 level or above in the course discipline; have a cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0 or better; have a Grade Point Average of 3.0 or better in the major area of study; and complete a petition, verified and approved by the registrar, the advisor, and the instructor. Credit will count only toward the undergraduate degree.

To be eligible to take a 500-level graduate course and receive graduate credit, Hood undergraduate students must have earned a minimum of 109 credits and meet the requirements indicated above. Credit will not apply toward the 124 credits required for the undergraduate degree unless approved for a designated Dual Degree program.