Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grade Plan

Hood provides an alternate grade plan as a means of encouraging intellectual curiosity. Under the satisfactory/unsatisfactory option, students receive a grade of “S” and credit for work of “C-” caliber or better or a grade of “U” and no credit for work of “D+” or lower quality. Neither grade is computed in the cumulative grade point average.


  • Students may not choose the S/U option for any course used to satisfy the Core, in the major field, the minor field, or an independent study. If a course is only offered for S/U credit, this policy does not apply.
  • Students may choose the S/U option for a maximum of 12 satisfactory/unsatisfactory credits within the total 124 credits Hood requires for graduation. Students spending three years at Hood may choose the S/U option for only 9 satisfactory/unsatisfactory credits to meet graduation requirements; two years, 6 credits; one year, 3 credits. Courses only offered for S/U credit are not counted in these totals.
  • At registration, students indicate their intent to take a course on the satisfactory/unsatisfactory plan on the course and schedule card. Change from one grading plan to another must have the advisor’s approval and must occur before the end of the drop/add period. No changes to or from the satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading system may be made after the drop/add period.
  • Students are cautioned that some graduate and professional schools and employers look negatively at satisfactory/unsatisfactory on transcripts because actual performance or mastery of the subject has not been demonstrated.