Psychology Major, B.A.

The major in psychology covers aspects of human and non-human animal behavior ranging from the firing of a single neuron to the death and dying process. Psychology can prepare students for various entry-level jobs in social services, mental health, management, or almost any area that requires a broad liberal arts education. The psychology major can also be the basis for admission to graduate or professional training in psychology, counseling, social work, business, medicine, and law, for example. The possibilities can include many other areas and can be enhanced by the selection of elective courses and participation in complementary experiences.

Opportunities exist for internships. In the past, students have worked with hospitalized children, with adolescents and adults in outpatient treatment facilities and community mental health agencies, as well as in a variety of business settings. Previous placements include: the National Institute of Mental Health, the Johns Hopkins University Hospital, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the White House, Monocacy Neurodevelopmental Center, the Maryland School for the Deaf, the Jefferson School, and the Frederick County Hotline. Students are also encouraged to participate in research with faculty.

Requirements for the Major

Psychology majors must complete 13 courses (a minimum of 38 credits) in psychology, including at least 7 (23 credits) at the 300 level or above. A minimum of 12 credits in psychology must be taken at Hood.

Foundation Requirements

PSY 101Introduction to Psychology


PSY 211Elementary Statistics


PSY 312Research Methods I


PSY 315Research Methods II


Total Credit Hours:14.0

PSY 101, PSY 211, and PSY 312 must be completed with a grade of C- or better to count in the major and to fulfill the prerequisite for higher-level courses.

Statistics courses completed in another discipline will fulfill the requirement but will not count toward the 38-credit minimum in psychology courses.

Students are encouraged to begin the research methods sequence as early as feasible to acquire a basis for later complementary experiences.

Major Requirements

PSY 205Social Psychology


PSY 239Developmental Psychology



PSY 300Cognitive Psychology



PSY 301Human Memory



PSY 401Theories of Personality



PSY 431Psychological Disorders



PSY 409Learning and Memory



PSY 456Behavior Modification



PSY 400Neuropsychology



PSY 418Physiological Psychology



PSY 369Psychology Junior Seminar


Capstone Experience


One additional PSY elective


Total Credit Hours:26.0

Capstone Experience

Students with junior standing with a GPA of 2.0 or higher in psychology who have completed PSY 312 or with permission of the department may enroll in capstone experiences. 

Students must receive approval of their capstone experience by the department. Students can satisfy the capstone requirement by:

  • Completion of 3 credits of research experience through completing an independent study (PSY 375)
  • Completion of 3 credits of teaching assistantship (PSY 335, by invitation)
  • Completion of 3 credits of internship (PSY 399)
  • Completion of 3 credits of a senior-level seminar course (PSY 498)
  • Completion of a Departmental Honors Project (6-credits, PSY 499A and PSY 499B, by invitation)

Typically, students will complete three credits of their capstone experience as a unit during the same semester. However, in some cases, with departmental approval, students may combine several experiences together to constitute their capstone experience. Additionally, short-term or semester-long study abroad related to psychology may be substituted for the three credits of capstone experience with permission of the department.

Regardless of the nature of the capstone experience, students are required to present their capstone experience as a poster at a professional conference, department event, or college-wide event. As part of the capstone requirement, students must also complete the required ETS Major Field Test in Psychology. This is normally accomplished in the semester in which the capstone is completed.

All majors must score at the proficient level on the ETS's Major Specific Test in their senior year. Students not scoring at the proficient level on the ETS's Major Specific Test must take the final from the class(es) related to the subsections for which they did not meet the proficient criterion.

Additional considerations

Students are encouraged to develop foreign language proficiency as well as consider pursuing a double major and/or minor(s). Students should engage in a wide variety of experiential learning to maximize their learning. Students should consult with their advisor about which experiential learning experiences are best for them depending on their long-term goals and short-term plans after graduation. Students considering applying to graduate school are strongly encouraged to meet with their advisor, who can advise and edit personal statements and CVs prior to their submission, at the beginning of their junior year.