An incomplete may not be granted unless a student has completed at least half of the work of the course with a passing grade and by permission of the instructor and program director. A grade of “INC” (incomplete) will be assigned when illness, emergency or unusual circumstances beyond the student’s control prevent the student from completing the assigned coursework and/or examination(s) by the end of the semester or session.
A student who wishes to apply for a grade of “INC” must secure and complete, with the instructor, the Application for Incomplete Grade form. This form is available from the Registrar's Office or online at The course instructor will identify the deadline date for completion of the work, the conditions under which the grade of “INC” will be removed and the consequences for failure to meet those conditions. The instructor, the student, and the program director must sign and approve the Application for Incomplete Grade form and the provisions for completion. The completed Application for Incomplete Grade form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar no later than the date grades are due for that term.
All assignments for the course in question must be completed by March 15 for fall courses, October 15 for summer courses and August 15 for spring courses. Any subsequent request for a further extension of the incomplete grade must be submitted by the student and approved by the instructor, program director and Registrar. Upon completion of all related assignments, the grade of “I” will remain permanently on the candidate’s transcript with the final grade earned beside it.