Independent Study/Research

Most programs offer a course entitled Independent Study and numbered 575 for master's level and 675 for doctoral level. These courses offer students an opportunity to undertake an individual project supervised by a faculty member for topics not covered by coursework that is offered in the program. To be eligible for independent study, the student must identify a faculty member who is willing to supervise the independent study project. The College cannot guarantee that all students will be able to undertake an independent study. Students may not enroll in Independent Study topics to fulfill existing coursework offered in the program.

To register for an independent study, the student must submit to the Office of the Registrar a completed Permission to Enroll Form. The form requires a written proposal (which may be an abstract or syllabus) and signatures of the student, instructor, program director and the Registrar. Registration must be completed during the regular registration period. This form is available from the Registrar's office or online at

The student and instructor must arrange a regular schedule for conferences and submission of work throughout the semester, including the date when the final paper is due.

A student may register for no more than 6 credits of independent study in any master's degree or certificate program and no more than 8credits for the doctoral program. A student may register for 1, 2 or 3 credits of independent study during any semester or during the summer session.