MATH - Mathematics


MATH 500 Statistics

Basic statistical methods as they apply to education and other fields. Topics include frequency distributions and their representations, measures of central tendency and dispersion, elementary probability, statistical sampling theory, testing hypotheses, non-parametric methods, linear regression, correlation, and analysis of variance.




Fall and/or Summer Semester

MATH 501 Explorations in Geometry

A look at basic geometry from a more sophisticated point of view, including more advanced Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries. Topics covered may include analytic geometry, spherical geometry, hyperbolic geometry, fractal geometry, transformational geometry. Labs in Geometer’s Sketchpad will be an integral part of the course.




Spring Semester (Odd Years)

MATH 502 Explorations in Algebra

Prerequisites: MATH 505 or equivalent. An introduction to the number theory and modern algebra topics that underlie the arithmetic and algebra taught in school. The focus is on collaborative learning, communication, and the appropriate use of technology, as well as on a deep understanding of algebraic theory.




Spring Semester (Even Years)

MATH 503 Explorations in Calculus

Prerequisite: MATH 505 or permission from instructor

 Concepts and applications of calculus that are important in middle school mathematics: sequences and series, functions, rates of change, curve sketching, area. The connection to middle school mathematics is central: students will use middle school math curricula and find the calculus behind the ideas. No previous calculus experience required.




Summer/Every 4 Years/Even Years

MATH 504 Explorations in Secondary School Mathematics

Prerequisite: MATH 505 or permission from instructor

This course bridges the gap between the mathematics studied in college and that taught in middle and high school, in order to help teachers facilitate mathematical understanding in their students. Topics are drawn from many areas of mathematics, including algebra, geometry, number theory and trigonometry. The course is based on student exploration and problem-solving, on multiple approaches to problems, and the use of technology.




Summer/Every 4 Years/Even Years

MATH 505 Discrete Math

Introduction to the basic mathematical structures and methods used to solve problems that are inherently finite in nature. Topics include logic, Boolean algebra, sets, relations, functions, matrices, induction and elementary recursion, and introductory treatments of combinatorics and graph theory.




Fall Semester

MATH 507 Introduction to Graph Theory

Prerequisites: MATH 505, and enrollment in the High School Track of the MS in Mathematics Education program or an undergraduate degree in mathematics, or permission of the instructor. A rigorous study of the theory of graphs, including simple and directed graphs, circuits, graph algorithms, connectedness, planarity, and coloring problems.



Cross Listed Courses

Double-numbered course; offered with undergraduate-level MATH 407


Spring Semester (Odd Years)

MATH 509 Elementary Number Theory

Prerequisites: MATH 505, and enrollment in the High School Track of the MS in Mathematics Education program or an undergraduate degree in mathematics, or permission of the instructor. An introduction to the theory of numbers: divisibility, prime numbers, unique factorization, congruences, Euler's phi-function, Fermat's and Wilson's theorems, multiplicative functions, quadratic reciprocity, perfect numbers, and applications to Diophantine equations. Applications include public-key cryptography and integer arithmetic.



Cross Listed Courses

Double-numbered course; offered with undergraduate-level MATH 409


Fall Semester (Odd Years)

MATH 520 Mathematical Modeling for Teachers

Prerequisite: MATH 505 or permission from instructor

An introduction to mathematical models: continuous and discrete, deterministic and stochastic. We will use software and will focus on active modeling and collaborative learning.




Summer/Every 4 years/Odd Years

EDMA 530 Mathematics Education Leadership I

This course examines current research and accepted practices in mathematics leadership. It looks into general topics in leadership and explores leadership specific to mathematics education. Participants gain knowledge and skill as they plan for their future development as a leader in mathematics.




Summer Semester

EDMA 531 Mathematics Education Leadership II: Practicum

Prerequisites: EDMA 530 

This course follows up the topics of Mathematics Education Leadership I, having participants apply current research and accepted practices in mathematics leadership in a 37.5 hour supervised practicum. Participants will work with a range of students and adult learners in a variety of professional development settings. This is a hybrid course with 34% of the coursework to be face-to-face, 33% of the coursework to be on-line via Blackboard, and 33% to be in a supervised practicum.




Fall Semester

MATH 570 History of Mathematics

Prerequisite: MATH 505 or permission of instructor

Study of the origins and evolution of basic ideas of arithmetic, geometry, and algebra.  Racial and gender barriers to entry into the field will be subjected to historical scrutiny. Particular attention will be devoted to mathematical practices in the United States over the last 250 years.




Summer/Every 4 Years/Odd Years

MATH 575 Independent Study

Reading and/or research in a selected field. An approved title for the independent study must be submitted with the registration forms. Prerequisite: permission of the chair of the department. A maximum of 6 credits may be applied to a degree program. (1-3 credits per independent study)


1.0 - 3.0


Either Semester

EDMA 579 Capstone Project

Prerequisites: Completion of 21 credits in the M.S. in Mathematics Education program. Each project will focus on an idea that links mathematics to its teaching and learning. Independent reading and study, reflection, writing, and possible action research. The capstone is assigned a letter grade, which will reflect not only the quality of the final product, but also the student’s performance throughout the project.




Either Semester

MATH 599 Special Topics

Rotating topics, offered in the summer




Summer Semester (As Needed)

MATH 599B Special Topic: Explorations in Calculus

Prerequisite: MATH 505.

Concepts and applications of calculus that are important in middle school mathematics: sequences and series, functions, rates of change, curve sketching, area. The connection to middle school mathematics is central: students will use middle school math curricula and find the calculus behind the ideas. No previous calculus experience required!




As Needed