IT - Information Technology

IT 510 Computing Hardware and Software Systems

Comprehensive overview of hardware and software system concepts that are fundamental to contemporary information technology. Topics include: computer architecture, operating systems, networks, data management systems and applications.




Both Semesters

CSIT 512 Elements of Computer Programming

No prerequisite. Introduction to programming concepts and techniques used in problem solving using a modern programming language. Students design, implement and test programs to solve problems in IT, business and science. Topics include I/O, expressions, types, variables, branching, loops, web programming, program planning and simple multimedia programming.




Both Semesters

IT 514 Contemporary Issues in Information Technology

Prerequisites: A minimum grade of "B-" in IT 510 and CSIT 512 or concurrent enrollment or permission of the instructor. Current issues in the use of information technology (IT) and the exploration of trends challenging to IT professionals. The primary purpose of this course is to teach students how to approach, investigate, consider, analyze, use and apply information technology in order to address specific information-based needs.




Either Semester

ITMG 516 Introduction to Data Analytics and Business Data Mining

Prerequisites: CST 512 for IT and MGMT 566 for MIS and MBA. This course examines techniques for discovering patterns in data. Topics will cover various data mining algorithms and statistical techniques, such as correlation analysis, text mining, decision trees, clustering, and association rules. The course will use data mining and analytical software to build on traditional statistical concepts. Project management techniques unique to exploratory projects will be used throughout the course. In addition to teaching students to organize, manipulate, and convert data into meaningful information for managerial decision-making, the course prepares them to effectively communicate such information with different stakeholders. In addition, students are expected to have competency in statistics.




Both Semesters

IT 518 Systems Engineering and Integration

Prerequisite: IT 514 or permission of the instructor. Review of procedures, tools and standards in systems engineering and integration. This course provides a detailed examination of the systematic application of proven procedures, tools and standards to information-oriented problems for the purpose of defining, designing, managing and implementing effective information technology solutions.




Fall Semester

CSIT 521 Info Assurance & Risk Assessment

Prerequisites: CSIT/CYBR 555 or Permission of Instructor 

Concepts of information assurance and security risk assessment. Protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and their delivery systems. Topics include security assessment definitions and nomenclature, approaches for risk assessment, high assurance system design and techniques for quantitative and qualitative risk analysis.




Spring and/or Summer Semester

ITMG 524 Advanced Data Analytics Programming with R

Prerequisites: A minimum grade of B- in IT 518 or MGMT 566 or BIFX 502 or CSIT 512, or Permission of Instructor

This class introduces the R programming language and advanced concepts and techniques to discover patterns in data. Students will explore datasets by identifying variables with the most predictive power, and developing and assessing predictive models in R. Discussion topics include exploratory data analysis, visualization, and data transformation. Students will implement the following data mining techniques: regression, neural networks, classification, clustering, principal component analysis, and survival analysis. Advanced techniques such as bagging, boosting, and random forests will also be explored. Significant time will be spent learning to program within an integrated development environment and implementing version tracking.



Cross Listed Courses

Also offered as BIFX 551


Spring Semester

ITMG 525 Applied Data Analytics

Prerequisites: A minimum grade of B- in CSIT 512 (or waived), ITMG 516 and ITMG 524 or permission of instructor.

This course provides a hands-on approach to data analytics methods and techniques, such as data acquisition and management, data preparation and modelling, and visualization schemas to deduce information in the fields of Business, Healthcare, Social Media, and Bioinformatics.




Fall and/or Summer Semester

ITMG 527 Management Issues in Information Systems

Prerequisite: IT 514 for CS/IT majors or MGMT 566 for MBA majors, or permission of the instructor. An examination and critical assessment of real-life management issues surrounding information systems in application environments. These issues involve the management of information, project management and information resources and systems within the organization.




Fall Semester

IT 530 Applied Database Systems

Prerequisite: A minimum grade of "B-" in IT 510 and CSIT 512 or permission of the instructor. Not open to students who have completed CS 530. Overview of data management concepts. The course will explore the enterprise perspective of managing data needs of an organization. Topics include data integrity, database models, and integration of databases, security, and database administration issues. The student will be introduced to query processing within a database environment.




Both Semesters

CSIT 532 Computer Forensics

Prerequisites: CSIT/CYBR 555 or permission of the instructor. Theory and practice behind the analysis of computing and networking equipment to determine if systems and networks have been used for illegal, unauthorized or unusual activities.




Both Semesters

ITMG 533 Managing Technical Project Teams

Prerequisite: ITMG 527. This course investigates the process of managing a computer-related project. It includes scheduling techniques and automated tools such as scheduling packages. Focus will be on the team environment conducive to successful project completion.




Fall Semester

CSIT 534 Network and Internet Security

Prerequisites: CSIT 555 or CYBR 555 and CSIT 548 or CYBR 548 or permission of the instructor. 

Examination of the pervasive security threats related to the Internet, data communications and networking. Real-time or near real-time capture of information and the systematic tracking of transmissions. Topics include network-borne threats, detection, prevention and analysis; authentication; malicious software and firewalls.




Fall Semester

IT 535 Security Policies, Ethics and Law

Prerequisite: CSIT/CYBR 555 or permission from instructor

Security issues from a managerial, legal and ethical standpoint.  Current legal obligations and limitations; linkage of security policy and practices with managerial operations and decision making. Topics include: security law, security policy making & implementation, policy practices & Acceptable Use Policies, and Litigation Avoidance.





Summer Semester

CSIT 537 Applied Encryption and Cryptology

Prerequisites: A minimum grade of B- in CSIT 555 or permission of the instructor. Introduction to cryptology, the science of making and breaking secret codes. Topics include encryption, cryptanalysis, public and secret key encryption, block ciphers and digital signatures. Classic and modern cryptography and encryption concepts will be introduced as tools and safeguards to be applied, implemented and evaluated in real-world scenarios.




Spring Semester (Even Years)

CSIT 540 Human-Computer Interaction

Prerequisite: CSIT 512 or IT 514 (MS in IT students) or permission of the instructor. The role of human factors and psychology in usability; interaction and interface design issues; command languages, menus, error messages and response time physical interaction, I/O devices and interaction style and techniques; the design process and user models; interface evaluation; integration of user interfaces with software engineering.




Spring Semester (Odd Years)

CSIT 548 Telecommunications and Networking

Data communications, computer networks and open systems. In-depth review of basic terminology and concepts in telecommunication protocols, transmission techniques, network architecture alternatives, internetworking, circuit and packet switching and telecommunication solutions.



Cross Listed Courses

Also offered as CYBR 548


Both Semesters

CSIT 555 Information Systems Security

Prerequisites: CS 530 or IT 530 and either IT 548 or CS 553, or permission of the instructor. Technical, operational and managerial issues of computer systems. Threats to computer security including schemes for breaking security, and techniques for detecting and preventing security violations. Emphasis will be on instituting safeguards, examining types of security systems and applying the appropriate level of security for perceived risks.




Spring Semester

CSIT 565 Advanced Database Management Systems

Prerequisites: CS 519 and CS 530 or CSIT 512 and IT 530

This course examines advanced data management concepts and technologies. Topics include indexing structures, query processing, transaction management, data security, data warehousing, object-oriented extensions, XML, distributed data management, and recent advances and alternate architectures for Big Data management and processing.




Fall Semester

CSIT 575 Independent Study

Reading and/or research in a selected field. An approved title for the independent study must be submitted with the registration forms. Prerequisite: permission of the chair of the department. A maximum of 6 credits may be applied to a degree program.


1.0 - 3.0


Either Semester

IT 575 Independent Study

Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. The study of selected topics in information technology accomplished through readings, problem assignments and projects.


1.0 - 3.0


Either Semester

ITMG 575 Independent Study

Reading and/or research in a selected field. An approved title for the independent study must be submitted with the registration forms. Prerequisite: permission of the chair of the department. A maximum of 6 credits may be applied to a degree program.


1.0 - 3.0


Either Semester

IT 580 Master's Thesis Preparation

Supervision of the master’s thesis. Required of all degree candidates who select the thesis option.




Either Semester

IT 581 Elements of Web Development

Prerequisite: CSIT 512 or permission of the instructor.  Concepts and techniques associated with creating websites using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Emphasis on well-formed markup following current Web standards. Topics include design concepts, structure, navigation, frameworks, graphics using the canvas object. 




Spring Semester (Odd Years)

IT 582 User Experience Design

Prerequisites: IT 581 or permission of instructor Concepts and techniques of user experience design with emphasis on application to Web Development. Usability and accessibility principles, user analysis, interaction design, information architecture, prototyping and testing, implementation tools and strategies.




Summer Semester

IT 585 Master's Field Work Project

Supervision of the master’s field work project. Required of all degree candidates who select the field work project option.




Either Semester

CSIT 597 Curricular Practical Training in CS/IT

Prerequisite: Completion of 18 credits and permission of the instructor.

This course is designed to provide computer science and information technology professionals with a working knowledge and practical application of the topics covered in CS, IT and MIT courses. The students will apply current research and accepted practices of CS and IT field in a variety of professional settings and will perform work supervised by both a professional advisor and a Hood advisor. Based on the description for the external position, students will craft an appropriate research/professional plan, in consultation with his/her Hood advisor. This course will help students synthesize previous concepts and training as they transition to the role of a professional. This 3-credit course counts as an elective toward degree completion.


1.0 - 3.0


Either Semester

ITMG 597 Curricular Practical Training in MIS/IT

Pre-requisite: Completion of 18 credits and permission of the instructor. This course is designed to provide computer science and information technology professionals with a working knowledge and practical application of the topics covered in IT and MIS courses. The students will apply current research and accepted practices of MIS/IT field in a variety of professional settings and will perform work supervised by both a professional advisor and a Hood advisor. Based on the description for the external position, students will craft an appropriate research/professional plan, in consultation with his/her Hood advisor. This course will help students synthesize previous concepts and training as they transition to the role of a professional. This 3-credit course counts as an elective toward degree completion.


1.0 - 3.0


Either Semester

IT 599 Special Topics

A special topics course may be offered either within a single department or on an interdepartmental basis. The content and methods of such courses depend upon the interests of the faculty and students.


1.0 - 6.0


As Needed

ITMG 599 Special Topics

A special topics course may be offered either within a single department or on an interdepartmental basis. The content and methods of such courses depend upon the interests of the faculty and students.




Offered as Needed