ARTS 304 Ceramics:Sculpture/Handbuilding

Prerequisites: ARTS 101 and ARTS 203. Lab fee. Through a progression of experiences, including individual sketches, exercises and projects, the student will combine the construction methods of hand building to take a sculptural direction, the characteristics of clay and glazes, the process of firing sculptural work, and an understanding of ceramic composition for the sculptural form.




Both Semesters

ARTS 311 Photography II

Prerequisite: ARTS 211 Digital Photography for the digital option or ARTS 214 Darkroom Photography for the darkroom option or permission of the instructor. Lab fee. Provides the development of artistic photography principles and creative laboratory techniques. Students have the option to select either a digital or a darkroom laboratory process to complete their portfolio. Students complete field projects that explore advanced concepts and apply them to projects demonstrating imaginative image making in the field and in the laboratory.




Fall Semester

ARTS 312 Photography III

Prerequisites: ARTS 311. Lab fee. Students complete an independent, self-motivated field project of their own choosing that explores advanced photography and laboratory concepts to be applied toward the development of a personal portfolio of fine art work. Students will continue with the same portfolio methodology (digital or darkroom) that they used in ARTS 311.




Fall Semester

ARTS 314 Relief Printmaking II

Prerequisite: ARTS 234. Lab fee. An intermediate course designed to support an in depth study of relief techniques introduced in ARTS 234. The focus will be the continued development of subject, content and composition together with the supporting technical mastery in this printmaking domain. Emphasis will be on creating multiple color editions. Students may choose to work in linoleum or woodblock.




Spring Semester

ARTS 315 Monotype Printmaking II

Prerequisites: ARTS 235. Lab fee. An intermediate course designed to support an in depth study of monotype techniques introduced in ARTS 235. The focus will be the continued development of subject, content and composition together with the supporting technical mastery in this printmaking domain. Topics to include: multiple color reductive prints, multiple color additive prints, frottage, stencils, collagraphic monotypes and heat transfers.




Fall Semester

ARTS 316 Selected Topics in Studio Art

Prerequisites: ARTS 101, 3 additional studio credits or permission of the instructor. An opportunity for students to study specific studio art topics not included in the regular course offerings. Topics may be selected from one or more of the following areas: drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, photography, printmaking. Offered at the discretion of the department.




As Needed

ARCA 322 Photojournalism

Prerequisites: CMA 201 or ARTS 211 or permission of the instructor. Lab fee. This course will introduce students to the communication field of photojournalism. Photojournalism is a very powerful tool in documenting the world around us. From community events, conflicts around the world, the political arena, high school through professional sports and the environment, photojournalists are empowered to show to their audience events that affect their daily lives.




Spring Semester ( Odd Years)

ARTS 324 Drawing III

Prerequisites: ARTS 224 and at least 6 additional credits in studio art at or above the 200-level or permission of the instructor. Lab fee. Advanced study in drawing materials and techniques are explored in this course. Composition and the study of the figure will be emphasized. Focused thematic drawing problems, experimentation with drawing parameters, materials and formats, and the study of contemporary ideologies and current drawing strategies form the core of this course, orienting students to the possibilities of communication specific to the discipline of drawing, and providing a basis for the development of individual drawing projects.




Spring Semester

ARTS 330 Skills for Surviving in Drawing & Painting

Prerequisites, ARTS 123, ARTS 222 or ARTS 237. Lab fee. Students focus in painting or drawing; projects range from murals, portraits, commissioned drawing and paintings, illustration and faux finishing. Learn to function in a studio and on job site. Simulate working with clients, set up photo shoots, write contracts, learn how to get insurance, give estimates, organize individual and group projects and have an opportunity to work as a crew leader.




Spring Semester

ARTS 334 Advanced Printmaking

Prerequisites: ARTS 314 and/or ARTS 315 Lab fee. This advanced printmaking course is designed to meet the needs of students concentrating in the area of printmaking. Students will refine their printmaking aesthetic and focus on individual projects advancing their technical skills. Topics include: sculptural forms, non-traditional bookmaking and contemporary print aesthetics.




Both Semesters

ARTS 338 Painting II

Prerequisite: ARTS 237. Lab fee. Advanced problems with further reference to the development of personal expression. Content, composition, spatial relationships and color theory are stressed within a contemporary context.




Fall Semester

ARTS 339 Painting III

Prerequisite: ARTS 338. Lab fee. Individual painting projects facilitating the development of a personal idiom. Traditional as well as modern synthetic mixed media are considered as they relate to contemporary expression




Fall Semester

ARTS 343 Intermediate Wheel

Prerequisite: ARTS 243. Lab fee. Continued studies in the production of ceramic ware using the potter’s wheel as a primary tool, students will acquire an understanding of the science and skills required for creating wheel-thrown pottery and develop a personal statement with their ceramic art.




Both Semesters

ARTS 344 Drawing IV

Prerequisites: ARTS 324 Drawing III or permission of the instructor. Lab fee. An investigation into drawing techniques. Students accomplished in the fundamentals of perceptual and nonobjective drawing will pursue projects for individual discovery and growth. Focused thematic drawing problems, experimentation with materials and formats, and the study of contemporary ideologies and current drawing strategies, providing a basis for the development of individual drawing projects.




Spring Semester

ARTS 345 Ceramic Sculpture

Prerequisite: ARTS 304. Lab fee. An in-depth study of materials, skills, procedures, and aesthetics relating to a variety of sculpture techniques in clay, and considerations for surface finishing and firing of sculptural forms.




Both Semesters

ARTS 375 Independent Study

Prerequisites: for theory and studio, 9 credits in art theory and studio courses or permission of the instructor. Open to juniors and seniors with instructor’s permission. Independent study in theory and studio or art history.


1.0 - 3.0


Both Semesters and Summer

ARTS 397 Special Topics

An upper-level special topics course offered at the discretion of the department. The content and methods vary with the interest of students and faculty members




As Needed