The Washington Center

Hood College partners with The Washington Center, which is an independent, nonprofit organization serving hundreds of colleges and universities in the United States and other countries by providing selected students challenging opportunities to work and learn in Washington, D.C. for academic credit. The Washington Center offers two types of programs: Internships and academic seminars. Internships are semester- or summer-long integrated academic and work experiences in government, corporate, and nonprofit organizations. Each internship is tailored to provide meaningful work experiences that will enhance students’ resumes and help launch their careers. This is a “study away” opportunity where students may live in The Washington Center residence apartments. Additionally, students take academic courses and attend special programming during their time at The Washington Center. Academic seminars serve as intensive learning experiences with focus on specific topics, such as National Security, the Presidency, and the Middle East Peace Process. Past seminars have included visits to such locations as Capitol Hill, CNN, the Newseum, embassies, and many others. Seminar events have featured such respected speakers as Ted Koppel, Andrea Mitchell, Howard Dean, and others. Students pay Hood tuition and receive Hood financial aid for The Washington Center Program. Credits and grades earned are calculated in the Hood GPA. Learn more about this program at