Home-Schooled Students—Applying for Admission

Hood College recognizes that a growing number of students and families may choose a home-schooling alternative in place of a traditional secondary school experience. To accurately assess a home-schooled applicant’s likelihood of success at Hood, we may require several forms of documentation in addition to the usual application materials.

Applicants for admission to Hood College who have completed some or all of their secondary education in a home-schooling environment will be required to submit the following:

  • A transcript or proof of school completion by the state's Department of Education or local school district. Specifically include an official document that attests that the home-schooled education meets the equivalency to what is taught in the high school district. This documentation may be provided by the state Department of Education (if provided by that state), the home-school liaison within the student's school district, or from a school official in the high school district. 

The home-school transcript should include:

  • Student and school information
  • Courses completed (including course title, final grade, and credit earned)
  • Academic summary (including total credits and cumulative grade point average)
  • The graduation date
  • A grading scale
  • Self-certification, signature, and date completed by authorized administrator, home-school instructor, parent, or guardian.

Our home-school review process is designed to recognize the unique experience of a home education while ensuring preparation for academic success at Hood College. Because we recognize that some home-school programs may not follow a traditional high school curriculum, we individually evaluate each of our applicants and offer several opportunities to provide information. As such, we recommend a personal interview with an admission counselor for best consideration.

Many admitted home-schooled students have taken advanced classes outside the home-school environment such as dual enrollment courses at a local college. If college courses have been completed or are in progress, the college transcript should be sent to us along with the home-school high school transcript.

If the student does not have a high school diploma or has not completed high school, we will require the results of an official GED examination. The College must be able to certify that all degree-seeking students hold a high school diploma or its equivalent.