Academic Standing and Classification


  • Freshman: Fewer than 25 credits earned.
  • Sophomore: 25-55 credits earned.
  • Junior: 56-86 credits earned.
  • Senior: 87 or more credits earned.

Academic Standing

Students are in good academic standing when both the term and cumulative (overall) Grade Point Averages (GPAs) are at least 2.00. Hood makes every effort to assist students to maintain this academic standard. It is the student’s responsibility to take advantage of the College’s academic, health, and psychological counseling services as a means of overcoming problems impeding progress.

At the end of each term, the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies examines the records of those students who have earned a term or cumulative average below 2.00 and examines the records of students previously placed on academic warning or probation. Academic action by the Committee is based not only on the academic record, but includes input from the offices of Residence Life, Accessibility Services, Student Life, the Student Success Center, and students' instructors and advisors regarding issues such as attendance and completion of assigned coursework and matters from outside the classroom that may have affected students' academic success. Based on all the information provided, students will be placed on academic warning, academic probation, or be dismissed from the College. (Note: While the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies examines students' term and cumulative grade point averages, individual academic departments also review the grade point averages of students in their majors at the end of each term. Based on their review, departments may take action concerning students' standing within their majors if students do not meet the academic standards set for each major. Departmental reviews of students' standing in their majors operate independently from the end-of-term records reviews conducted by the Committee of Academic Standards and Policies.)

Academic Warning

Students will be placed on academic warning if their semester Grade Point Average (GPA) falls below 2.00 and/or the end-of-term review of students' records by the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies raises concern about students' overall academic progress. Students placed on warning will be informed of their status in a letter copied to their academic advisor. If they are placed on academic warning, students are encouraged to meet with their advisors immediately to consider how best to improve their future academic performance. Possible steps to take may include, but are not limited to, adjusting students' future schedules to ensure a manageable workload, contacting the Student Success Center to identify helpful resources, developing better time-management and study strategies, and/or speaking with individual instructors about ways to succeed. Students whose Grade Point Average remains below 2.00 for more than one semester may be required to complete the Academic Success Program through the Student Success Center and/or enroll in GNST 101 as determined by the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies. Students will be informed of such additional requirements in a letter copied to their academic advisor. 

At the end of each term, the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies will review the records of students on academic warning. On the basis of this review, the committee may recommend an end to the warning period, continued warning, or academic probation. 

Academic Probation

Students will be placed on academic probation if their cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) falls below 2.00 and/or the end-of-term review of students' records by the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies raises concerns about students' overall academic progress. Academic probation means that a student is in danger of being dismissed from the College for academic reasons. Students placed on academic probation must make satisfactory progress, as defined in the probation letter sent to students, during the following term or risk being dismissed from the College.

Students on academic probation will be required to demonstrate significant academic improvement and to earn a semester Grade Point Average high enough to allow for a cumulative G.P.A. above a 2.0 within two terms. Progress toward this goal will be reviewed by the committee at the end of each probationary term. Students must also complete the Academic Success Program through the Student Success Center and enroll in GNST 101 (if they have not already completed this course). Additionally, students on probation should register for 12-14 credits. Twelve credits are required for full-time status; no more than 14 credits are permitted without permission from the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies.

Students who are placed on Academic Probation will be required to sign a copy of the probation letter, indicating that they understand the probation terms and that they agree to assume responsibility for their academic status by attending classes regularly, completing assignments on time, using course, mathematics, and composition tutoring services, and/or doing whatever is appropriate to resolve their specific academic problems. 

At the end of each term, the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies will review the records of students on probation to determine if students have met the probationary requirements and, on the basis of this review, may recommend an end to the probationary period and return to good academic standing, continued probation, or dismissal from the College. 

Academic Dismissal

Upon recommendation of the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies, the College may at any time dismiss a student who is not making satisfactory academic progress as defined below. This policy applies to all students. In addition to the above-stated information considered by the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies in its academic reviews of students' records, the Committee will also use the following guidelines when considering whether to dismiss students from the College:

1. Students whose cumulative Grade Point Averages (GPA) fall below the following levels may be dismissed:

 Total Term Hours Attempted*

Minimum Cumulative (Overall) Hood GPA

 Less than 30 credits


 30 or more credits


*Credits attempted include all transfer credits accepted by Hood. However, grade point averages listed in this table are based on Hood work only.

2. The College reserves the right to dismiss at any time any students who fail to meet minimal standards required to make satisfactory academic progress. Examples of failure to meet these standards may include, but are not limited to, ceasing to attend classes, disrupting the life and work of the College community, or completing any term with a term grade point average below 1.00. This policy applies to all students, including first-term, first-year students.

All students dismissed from the College will receive a dismissal letter which includes a description of the appeals process and deadlines. 

3. Students who are dismissed from the College may not enroll in classes as a non-degree seeking student.

Dismissal Appeals

Appeals for exemption from dismissal may be granted by the provost and dean of the faculty in unusual circumstances and following consultation with the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies, the student's instructors and advisor, and other relevant offices. Appeals for reinstatement following dismissal must be received within one week of electronic notification of dismissal. Typical grounds for an appeal are: 1) That an error has been made in the calculation of a student's grade; 2) That at the time of considering a student's record the Committee on Academic Standards and Policies did not have knowledge of significant information bearing on a student's academic performance, such as a family or medical issue. The Committee will not question professors' judgment as to the quality of students' work or the standards that professors set for academic performance. All appeals must include discussion of specific steps that students will take to achieve academic success in the future. Hood College is committed to the success of all students; the challenges of extenuating personal circumstances will be factored into every decision on dismissal and appeal. 

Students whose appeals are granted will be readmitted to the College for one term on a probationary basis. Failure to comply with the conditions specified in the letter allowing students to return to the College may result in their dismissal at the end of the probationary term. 

Dismissal and Reinstatement

Students who are dismissed from the College may not enroll in classes as a non-degree-seeking student. Students who are dismissed for academic reasons may petition for reinstatement after completing a minimum of one full-time semester at another accredited institution and receiving no grade below a C. 

The following is the procedure for possible reinstatement:

1) The student writes to the registrar to request permission to return to Hood. 

2) The student provides transcripts of work attempted elsewhere or other pertinent information.

3) The Committee on Academic Standards and Policies reviews the request and makes a decision regarding reinstatement.

4) A student who is reinstated will be placed on academic probation. Reinstatement does not automatically reinstate financial aid. The student must notify the Office of Financial Aid. 

If a student is dismissed for nonacademic reasons, the student must request in writing to the dean of students' permission to return to Hood. The dean of students decides if the student may be reinstated. 

Financial Aid Implications

Financial aid recipients are required to be in good academic standing and maintain satisfactory academic progress toward degree requirements. Please refer to the financial aid section of the catalog for financial implications.