Withdrawal from Hood College and Readmission

Students who wish to withdraw from the College must submit the Graduate Withdrawal from the College form, found at www.hood.edu/gradforms. Students who wish to re-enroll at the College after they have withdrawn must submit the Graduate Readmission Request form (www.hood.edu/gradforms).  Readmission is granted into the same program of original enrollment, under the catalog and program requirements in place at the time of readmission.  Students who wish to be readmitted to a different program must apply through the Graduate School. Students withdrawn from the College due to dismissal must submit a petition for reinstatement to hoodgrad@hood.edu for review by the Graduate Council Sub-Committee on Student Petitions.

Students who do not complete their program of study within their seven-year time limit will be automatically withdrawn from the College. Please refer to the section on Time Limits for information regarding time extensions.

Readmission of service members

A school must promptly readmit a service member with the same academic status as he had when last attending the school or accepted for admission to the school. This requirement applies to any student who cannot attend school due to military service.