Grading Criteria

Hood’s faculty uses the following general criteria in determining grades. Demonstration of the ability to write and speak standard English is included in the grade evaluation of every course. The criteria upon which students will be evaluated is included on every course syllabus.

A, A- (90–100) indicates general excellence; the student displays initiative, independence and often originality in the course.

B+, B, B- (80–89) indicates an unquestioned grasp of the subject’s fundamental facts and principles, an understanding of their significance and an ability to use them effectively; work is logically organized and technically correct; the student often shows initiative and independent work.

C+, C, C- (70–79) indicates the student has a fairly accurate knowledge of the subject’s fundamental facts and principles and is able to apply them reasonably well; work is fairly logical in organization and technique but it is incomplete; there is evidence of growth in handling the coursework.

D+, D, D- (60–69) indicates work is of inferior quality yet deserving of credit; there is some acquaintance with basic facts and principles, but work is poorly organized and technically faulty; the student frequently fails to complete assignments.

F (0–59) indicates work shows no grasp of basic facts and principles and is not deserving of credit; it is poorly organized and technically faulty; the student frequently fails to complete assignments.

S indicates satisfactory completion of work done on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis; performance is at a C- level or better.

U indicates unsatisfactory completion of work done on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis and not deserving of credit; performance is at a D+ level or lower.

INC indicates incomplete work in a course because of illness or serious emergency beyond the student’s control; students must arrange to finish assignments in accordance with the College’s incomplete grade policy.