MUSC 400 The City

Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing, or permission of the instructor.
In this course, we will study works of art, literature, film and music inspired by the concept of "the city" and of urban culture. The course is interdisciplinary and does not presuppose prior experience in any of those fields.



Cross Listed Courses

Double-Numbered course; offered with graduate-level HUM 599C


Offered as Needed

MUSC 470 Senior Project: Music History and Lit

Prerequisites: Completion of all music theory and music history requirements for the major in music history and literature. The course may, if necessary, be taken in conjunction with the last semester of theory and the last 3 credits of music history. A capstone research project in which the student will work one-on-one with a professor in writing a significant historical paper in music history and literature. The student will present his or her findings in a public reading at the end of the semester of study.




Both Semesters

MUSC 471 Senior Project: Piano Pedagogy

Prerequisites: Completion of at least 8 credits of applied piano and all other requirements for the concentration in piano pedagogy. This course is usually taken in the senior year. A capstone experience for the piano pedagogy track. Students will observe and critique piano lessons in the department, write several chapters of a sample method book and teach several students of varying ability, under the supervision of a faculty member. The piano students will perform their pieces for a panel of faculty pianists for evaluation.




Both Semesters

MUSC 474 Junior Recital

Prerequisites: Student must be a declared music major in performance, must have completed at least 6 credits of applied music in the area of the recital, and must have department approval. A formal, public recital, sponsored by the music department, in which the student presents a 25-minute solo recital. The recital would normally be given in the junior year. For vocalists and pianists, the recital must be performed from memory, though one work, especially a chamber piece, may be played with the score. Piano Pedagogy students are required to play one work or a short group of pieces from memory.




Both Semesters

MUSC 475 Senior Recital

Prerequisites: MUSC 474 and completion of at least 8 credits of applied music in the area of the recital and taken in conjunction with the last two credits of applied music. Senior recital is normally given in the senior year; students must have departmental approval of the recital program and must adhere to the senior recital guidelines as set forth by the department. A formal, public recital, sponsored by the Department of Music, in which the student presents a 50-minute representative recital in one area of applied music.




Both Semesters

MUSC 499 Departmental Honors

Prerequisite: By invitation of the department. The departmental honors paper is a two-semester senior-year program designed for students who wish to pursue intensive research or special projects in close coordination with faculty advisers. Departmental honors students are known as the Christine P. Tischer Scholars and receive 6 credits for this work.




Year Long