Appeals Process

Appeals of financial aid suspension must be made in writing to the Office of Financial Aid by the date specified in the Financial Aid Suspension notification letter.

The appeal letter must address the extenuating circumstance(s) why satisfactory academic progress was not made, why the extenuating circumstance(s) has changed, as well as an outlined plan of corrective action for future academic success. The appeal must explain why the student failed to meet satisfactory academic progress and what has changed in the situation that will allow him to make satisfactory progress at the next evaluation. Extenuating circumstances can include, but is not limited to, illness or injury; death of a family member; family difficulties; interpersonal problems with friends, roommates, partners; difficulty balancing work, and family responsibility; or financial difficulties.

The Office of Financial Aid will review the appeal and notify the student in writing within 10 working days whether the appeal has been accepted or denied. If the appeal has been accepted, the letter to the student will detail the academic plan of corrective action as well as require the approval of the student’s academic adviser. All decisions made by the director of financial aid are final and will not be subject to further review.